Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hangin'g With John Edwards -- No Photo Included

So, I go to Scholz's yesterday to see John Edwards. Along the way, I run into a couple friends, who in turn introduce me to a writer named Clayton Maxwell, who's written some great stuff for the Austin Chronicle, among other publications.

Anyway, it's hotter than hell there. The place is packed (over 1,000 people in that patio area) and, although some fans are blowing, the air is stifling. Wayne Slater of the Dallas Morning News reported that the temperature "hovered around 90 degrees," but it had to be 100 degrees in the shade with all those people packed in.

Anyway, John Edwards gives a great speech. Meanwhile, I run into Mike Lavigne, who's organizing the whole thing, and tell him I want to meet Edwards. He tells me to go back into Saengerrunde Hall, which is the holding area for Edwards and his entourage and is, not unimportantly, air conditioned.

I'm hanging out there with my friend Brooke when, to the roar of the crowd, Edwards finishes his speech, works the rope line for a few minutes, and then comes in. Kirk Watson, who's just endorsed him, is there, as are Fred Baron and Lisa Blue. Now, Fred is Edwards' national finance chairman, and has actually relocated from Dallas to North Carolina for the duration of the race. I chat with Lisa and him for a few minutes, and then ask him if I can meet Edwards and get a picture with him.

Fred, gracious to a fault as always, introduces me to Edwards and I grab Brooke and we get on either side of him, arms around shoulders like rugby players as Fred aims the camera. This is going to be a great picture, right?

Nothing happens. The batteries in my digital camera are dead. Fred shrugs, Edwards smiles, and off they go.

I told the story to Pink Lady from In the Pink Texas later on, and she had one word: "Amateur!"

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