Thursday, June 12, 2008

Where Have I Been?

I realized with horror the other day that I had not posted in almost a month, and resolved not to let June 14 go by without something. I guess you could say I'm two days ahead of schedule from that perspective.

The last month has been intense. I am doing a big project on private health insurance market reform for an advocacy group -- lots of research and writing, re-writing, and re-re-writing. Fun but intense, with a couple all-nighters thrown in.

I am also doing a radio show on KOOP, the little radio station that keeps burning down. I am enjoying that immensely, but it comes with its own blog and outreach to the public.

The summer is here prematurely, with Austin recording its 10th day of 100-degree temperatures yesterday. Today is supposed to be #11. As a friend pointed out in an email, it's been this hot and it's not even summer yet!

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