Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Fear And Loathing In Kennebunkport

Try as I may, I just cannot get very exercised about Bush the Commuter letting Scooter Libby off the hook. I mean, really, is anyone surprised? This was not about jurisprudential considerations in sentencing guidelines. It was not about whether White House aides would give unfettered advice if they thought they could go to jail for it. It was not about whether there was an underlying crime and, if so, how serious it was. I know lots has been, and will be, written about all these facets of the Fascinating Case of I. Lewis Libby. But none of it matters.

In the end, this was about the fact that Laura Bush would never -- and I mean never -- be able to show her face at a Washington social gathering or Dallas country club if Scooter did one day of hard time while her hubby could do anything about it.

I remember, when Ken Lay was indicted after causing the meltdown of Enron and the personal financial ruin of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans, betting my friend Ross Ramsey that Kenny Boy would not spend one night in jail. Not one. Ross thought I was a fool and gladly took the bet. We bet a steak dinner, and I'll remind him to pay up one of these days.

On Countdown tonight, Keith Olbermann called for Bush and Cheney to resign. Whatever. Those guys don't give a damn what anyone else says, does or thinks. This is beyond the smug arrogance of thinking that people in the "reality-based community" were out of touch. Back in 2004, they understood -- or at least paid lip service to the notion -- that they had to win the hearts and minds of the American people on vital issues like the necessity for the war in Iraq, the danger posed by Iran, the wisdom of tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, privatizing Social Security, etc. But that's all gone now. They really just don't care.

My prediction: it will get worse and worse until the whole Administration slides into the Septic Tank of History on January 20, 2009.

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