Saturday, January 26, 2008

City of Digital Immigrants

Eileen Smith, the diabolically hilarious creator of InThePinkTexas, is now working for the MSM as the online editor of Texas Monthly. She has an essay in this month's issue. No, wait, her essay does not appear in the magazine. Her essay is a "web extra," which means they did not want the actual readers to see it.

Anyway, in her essay she distinguishes between "digital natives" and "digital immigrants." It turns out I am an immigrant. Here's her description of the natives:
“Digital natives,” on the other hand, were born around 1985, when personal computers were already ten years old. They have never known a world without the Internet (lucky bastards). They are adept multimedia producers and certified gadgetophiles who create content as much as they consume it, if not more. Avid newspaper readers, they are not. In fact, younger readers view the corporate-owned mainstream media with disgust, if not outright contempt.

Digital immigrants, she sniffs, are "those who grew up in a world where you filled out your college applications on a typewriter." Well, excu-u-u-use me! Anyway, I like to think of myself as one of those immigarnts who's quickly learned the language and norms of the new culture -- although I cannot figure out RSS feeds for the life of me.


Anonymous said...

I use Google Reader for my RSS feeds. Just click on the little orange square in the address box in Firefox (it says "subscribe to this page.." when you put your cursor on it). Then choose Google Reader. It's great, except that I spend hours a day reading -- I've got 25 blogs for the Legislature alone, plus twice that number of other stuff I'm interested in.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I'm older than even you are, Deece.

Deece said...

To anonymous at 2:16 p.m.:

I lament your advanced age and decrepit condition!