Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Denocratic Candidates Debate In Nevada

8:00 p.m. -- Chuck Todd and Keith Olbermann have a long talk about the "truce" between Barack and Hillary -- that they will tamp down efforts to make race an issue in the campaign. Todd speculates that race will come up, even though the candidates want to keep it down. Then Tim Russert starts off by asking a half dozen questions about race. Sheesh.

8:05 -- John Edwards talking about growing up in segregated in North Carolina. He looks to young to remember lunch counter sit-ins, Freedom Rides and the like.

8:12 -- Russert STILL asking about race as an issue in the campaign! Get a grip, Tim!

8:18 -- Brian Williams asking about The Tears and The Diss -- Obama's comment that Hillary "is likable enough." Obama govels a little. Maybe we could get to some real issues soon, Brian ...

8:24 -- Russert: Hillary, do you regret saying that you're not sure Barack Obama is ready to lead? FTW!?! Can we talk about any issues now? Or even talk about character, by which I mean something besides what one of the kids said during recess. Yeesh ...

8:35 -- Taking a break in the two-hour debate. Brian Williams promises questions about the economy after the break. That would be good -- 30 minutes and nothing substantive yet.

9:00 -- They're finally talking policy, but the overall questioning and answering is so light and fluffy that I am getting bored. Wait, what's this? "The Office" is starting on TBS? See ya ...

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