Tuesday, January 9, 2007

80th Texas Legislature convenes

Well, today's the day. Opening day of the 80th Texas Legislature. There's a wonderful Latin term for the end of a session -- sine die, literally "without a day." The Legislature is adjourning that day without a day to meet again. It's pronounced "SEE-nay DEE-ay," but it's "SIGN-e DIE" in Austin. There's no comparable phrase for the beginning of a session. Too bad.

Lots of pomp, lots of circumstance. In both chambers, we'll begin with the swearing-in ceremonies -- new and returning members taking their oaths of office, loved ones standing by, cameras flashing. It's very sweet. Then, the Senate will adopt its caucus rules and select a President Pro Tem. The caucus rules are important because the Senate sets the monthly staff budgets for its offices. There's been some talk that the two-thirds rule might be modified somehow, but if that was serious we'd have heard a lot more about that. As for President Pro Tem, the competition's been fierce, but I am calling it for Mario Gallegos. You read it here first.

All eyes will focus on the House, where the Speaker's race concludes today. I expect it to last all afternoon. The first battle will be over the process by which the election is conducted. Will it be a secret ballot? Floor vote? Roll call vote? As is often the case, the decisions on which process to use will tell a lot about the eventual outcome. Then we'll have the nominations and seconds of Speaker candidates, and finally the vote itself.

Time Warner Cable will carry the House on Channel 6. The Senate will be on Channel 22. You can watch live feeds of both chambers on the Internetz. It'll be the best show in town.

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