Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Third Verse, Same As The First

Tom Craddick's re-election as Speaker yesterday was, personally, a disappointment. Certainly, I disagree with his overall political philosophy and agenda for Texas. But I dislike him more for what he's done to make the House of Representatives a weaker, more partisan, more feckless institution.

But it does not matter what I think. The election of the Speaker is a privilege and responsibility of the members of the House. From all accounts, some people acted with personal courage and at great political risk. Thanks to them for showing us what that looks like.

But Craddick is still Speaker for a combination of two reasons. Some people actually like the guy and how he's governing. They voted their conscience, which is all we can ask them to do. But, if the buzz out there is to be believed, lots of people voted for him because they were afraid -- of him, of being on the wrong side, of what might happen under a new Speaker. Whatever. They deserve what they get -- including, in some cases, opponents in the future and the opportunity to become private citizens. Just ask Todd Baxter or Martha Wong or Al Edwards.

Craddick has hinted that he'll be a kinder, gentler Speaker. We'll see.

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